Donation Page



Keeping this website up and running incurs a cost to me, The Editor, and Covid has severely reduced the public events that would have provided a payment to advertise said events. Sponsors have cut their expenditure and I'm fortunate to have sponsoring some of the pages.

I need to pay for

  • A professional email service in order to send out the thousands of emails every month
  • Software that generates the webpages
  • A hosting site in which to upload these pages
  • My time

If you appreciate the content and would like to help pay for the up-keep please feel free to make a donation.

If every reader donated £1, then all the above expenses would be covered.

Electronic transfers to:


Sort Code 04-06-05

Account number 17605304

This business bank account takes 20p for every transaction so a £1 donation gives me 80p. A £2 donation gives me £1.80

Many Thanks in advance.